* @file Extends a WebSocket Sessions client interface to enable tunneling capabilities.
* @version 0.4.1
* @class A tunneling WebSocket Sessions interface based on {@link WSSClient}.
* Once established, a tunneled connection appears and behaves nearly identically to a
* {@link WSSClient} connection.
* @extends WSSClient
class WSSTunnel extends WSSClient {
* Creates an instance of WSSTunnel.
* @param {String} [handshakeServerAddress] The address of the WSS handshake
* server (available as {@link handshakeServerAddr}). If not provided and
* {@link connect} is called then the socket server address will be assigned
* to the handshake server address and used for both.
constructor(handshakeServerAddress) {
* @property {Object} tunnelInfo=null Contains a <code>userToken</code>, <code>serverToken</code>,
* and <code>privateID</code> used to establish a connection with the tunneling server.
* Use these credentials when communicating with the tunneling server instead
* of the standard class properties which are used with the tunneled endpoint.
get tunnelInfo() {
if (this._tunnelInfo == undefined) {
this._tunnelInfo = null;
return (this._tunnelInfo);
* Creates a WebSocket Session tunnel by performing a handshake, subsequent
* connection to the WSS server, opening the tunnel, and finally connecting to the
* tunneled server endpoint via [connectEndpoint]{@link WSSTunnel#connectEndpoint}
* @param {String} [socketServerAddr=null] The WebSocket Sessions tunneling server
* address to connect to. If omitted, the assigned handshake server address will be used for
* both the handshake and the connection.
* @param {Boolean} [useHTTPHandshake=false] If true, a HTTP / HTTPS
* request is used for the handshake otherwise the handshake and
* connection both happen on the same WebSocket connection.
* @param {Object} connectData Data to include with the connect and tunelling API calls
* @param {Object} [connectData.tunnelParams] An object containing the tunelling parameters.
* @param {Object} [connectData.tunnelParams.endpoint] An object containing the
* tunneling endpoint candidates and associated parameters.
* @param {Array} [connectData.tunnelParams.endpoint.aliases] An indexed array of
* tunnel candidate aliases (usually based on the endpoint private ID). The connection
* process will attempt to connect to each alias in the order provided.
* @throws {Error} Thrown when a valid handshake / socket server address was
* not supplied, tunelling information was omitted or erroneous, or the connection could not be
* established.
async connect(socketServerAddress=null, useHTTPHandshake=false, connectData=null) {
if (typeof(connectData.tunnelParams) != "object") {
throw (new Error("Tunnel parameters not an object or missing."));
if (typeof(connectData.tunnelParams.endpoint) != "object") {
throw (new Error("Tunnel endpoint information not an object or missing."));
if (typeof(connectData.tunnelParams.endpoint.aliases) != "object") {
throw (new Error("Tunnel endpoint aliases not an object or missing."));
if (typeof(connectData.tunnelParams.endpoint.aliases.length) != "number") {
throw (new Error("Tunnel endpoint aliases object is not an array."));
connectData.listeners = false; //disable event handling in parent class
var result = await super.connect(socketServerAddress, useHTTPHandshake, connectData);
this._tunnelInfo = new Object();
this._tunnelInfo.privateID = this.privateID;
this._tunnelInfo.userToken = this.userToken;
this._tunnelInfo.serverToken = this.serverToken;
var endpointAliases = connectData.tunnelParams.endpoint.aliases;
for (var count = 0; count < endpointAliases.length; count++) {
var currentAlias = endpointAliases[count];
var tunnelRequest = new Object();
tunnelRequest.action = "joinAlias";
tunnelRequest.alias = currentAlias;
tunnelRequest.tunnelServerMessages = false; //send non-status messages from the tunneling server?
tunnelRequest.user_token = this._tunnelInfo.userToken;
tunnelRequest.server_token = this._tunnelInfo.serverToken;
var message_event = await RPC("WSS_Tunnel", tunnelRequest, this.webSocket);
var rpc_result = JSON.parse(message_event.data);
if (rpc_result.error == undefined) {
if (rpc_result.result.status == "joined") {
var endpointConnectResult = await this.connectEndpoint(connectData);
return (true);
throw (new Error("No available tunnel endpoints to connect to."));
return (false);
* Attempts to connect to a tunneled WebSocket Sessions endpoint. Existing
* [userToken]{@link WSSTunnel#userToken}, [serverToken]{@link WSSTunnel#serverToken}, and
* [ privateID]{@link WSSTunnel#privateID} values will be replaced with ones generated for / by the
* endpoint.
* @param {Object} [connectData=null] Endpoint and peer connection information.
* @param {Object} [connectData.options] Peer connectivity options to advertise
* to other peers through the endpoint.
* @param {Object} [connectData.options.wss=true] Defines if WebSocket Sessions
* connectivity is available (true), or not (false).
* @param {Object} [connectData.options.webrtc=false] Defines if WebRTC
* connectivity is available (true), or not (false).
* @param {Object} [connectData.options.ortc=false] Defines if ObjectRTC
* connectivity is available (true), or not (false).
* @throws {Error} Thrown when a valid handshake / socket server address was
* not supplied, or the connection could not be established.
async connectEndpoint(connectData=null) {
this._userToken = String(Math.random()).split("0.").join("");
var event = await RPC("WSS_Handshake", {"user_token":this.userToken}, this.webSocket);
var resultData = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (typeof(resultData["error"]) == "object") {
throw (new Error("Server responded with an error ("+resultData.error.code+"): "+resultData.error.message));
} else {
this._serverToken = resultData.result.server_token;
var connectObj = new Object();
if (connectData == null) {
connectData = new Object();
connectObj.options = new Object();
if ((connectData["options"] == undefined) || (connectData["options"] == null)) {
//default connection options (as of v0.4.1)
connectObj.options.wss = true;
connectObj.options.webrtc = false;
connectObj.options.ortc = false;
} else {
connectObj.options.wss = connectData.options.wss;
connectObj.options.webrtc = connectData.options.webrtc;
connectObj.options.ortc = connectData.options.ortc;
connectObj.user_token = this.userToken;
connectObj.server_token = this.serverToken;
var message_event = await RPC("WSS_Connect", connectObj, this.webSocket); //connect the WebSocket
var rpc_result_obj = JSON.parse(message_event.data);
if (rpc_result_obj.error != undefined) {
throw (new Error("Couldn't establish WebSocket Session: ("+rpc_result_obj.error.code+") "+rpc_result_obj.error.message));
if ((rpc_result_obj.result["private_id"] != undefined) && (rpc_result_obj.result["private_id"] != null)) {
this._privateID = rpc_result_obj.result.private_id;
//the following concatenation pattern matches the server
//var hash_source_str = this.serverToken+ ":" +this.userToken;
//var generated_pid = await this.SHA256(hash_source_str);
//console.log ("Are they the same? "+(this._privateID == generated_pid));
} else {
throw (new Error("No private ID returned in WSS_Connect response."));
super._peers = new Array(); //reset peers array (previous contents are probably those of the tunneling server)
super._peerOptions = new Object();
if ((rpc_result_obj.result["connect"] != undefined) && (rpc_result_obj.result["connect"] != null)) {
var connectedPeersList = rpc_result_obj.result["connect"];
var optionsList = rpc_result_obj.result["options"]; //as of v0.4.1
if (typeof(connectedPeersList) == "object") {
connectedPeersList.forEach (function (peerPID, index, sourcArr) {
this.peerOptions[peerPID] = optionsList[index];
}, this);
this.webSocket.addEventListener("message", this.handleSocketMessage);
this.webSocket.addEventListener("close", this.handleSocketClose);
return (message_event);
* Handles WebSocket message events for the tunnel. Any messages that are
* not tunnels-specific are passed to the parent
* [WSSClient.handleSocketMessage]{@link WSSClient#handleSocketMessage} function.
* @param {Event} eventObj A "message" event dispatched by the tunneled
* WebSocket instance.
handleSocketMessage(eventObj) {
try {
var dataObj = JSON.parse(eventObj.data);
switch (dataObj.result.type) {
case "tunnel":
var tunnelStatus = dataObj.result.status;
switch (tunnelStatus) {
case "close":
console.error("Unrecognized tunnel status: \""+tunnelStatus+"\"");
super.handleSocketMessage(eventObj); //maybe it's a standard WSS message?
} catch (err) {
toString() {
return ("WSSTunnel");