Class: SRACrypto


Uses Web Workers to asynchronously perform various SRA cryptosystem functions.


new SRACrypto(hostInstancesopt)

Creates an instance of the SRACrypto class.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
hostInstances Number <optional>
4 The maximum number of concurrent WorkerHost instances to use / manage within the new SRACrypto instance.
  • SRACryptoWorker.js


(static) requestQueue

Name Type Description
requestQueue Array All currently queued requests being managed by the class instance.

(static) workerHosts

Name Type Description
workerHosts Array All of the registered WorkerHost instances being managed by this class instance.


(async) invoke(method, params, requestIDopt) → {Promise}

Invokes an asynchronous SRA cryptosystem method using a free WorkerHost instance. If no instance is currently available the request is added to the queue and made when the first available host signals that it's ready.
Name Type Attributes Description
method String The method to invoke in the hosted Worker instance.
params Object The parameters to invoke the method with.
requestID * <optional>
A request ID that can be used to track the request over its lifetime (useful when re-assembling multiple discrete invokations that could otherwise result in a race condition).
An asynchronous promise object that will either resolve and return a result (data type and format vary depending on the method invoked), or a rejection / error throw.
//simple 1 worker example
let SRA = new SRACrypto (1);

//generate a random, 1024-bit prime value and return it in the given radix (base):
//MUST BE either -> 16 (hex) or 10 (decimal) -- other bases not internally recognized by
//crypto worker.
SRA.invoke("randomPrime", {bitLength:1024, radix:16}).then(event => {
  console.log ("Generated prime value (hex): " +;
//using 2 workers; here we don't care about the order of generated keypairs
var SRA = new SRACrypto(2);

//generate 25 random keypairs (usually we want just one)
for (var count = 0; count < 25; count++) {
  //"primeVal" was pre-generated in a previous step; MUST BE in hex or decimal (radix=16 or radix=10)
  SRA.invoke("randomKeypair", {prime:primeVal}).then(event =>
       console.log ("Generated keypair: "+JSON.stringify(;
//using 4 workers but here we need to store results in the order requested
var SRA = new SRACrypto(4);

//generate 52 quadraric residues (e.g. as plaintext identifiers for a card deck)
var cards = new Array();
for (var count = 0; count < 25; count++) {
   //primeVal was pre-generated in a previous step, count is the result index (requestID in result)
   SRA.invoke("randomQuadResidues", {prime:primeVal, numValues:1}, count).then(event =>
       cards[] =;
       for (var count2 = startNum; count2 < cards.length; count2++) {
         if (isNaN(cards[count2])) {
       //all values accounted for
       for (count2 = 0; count2 < cards.length; count2++) {
          //we could include additional information from an exteral source
          //here (e.g. card names, values, colours, etc.)
          console.log ("Card #" + count2 + ": " + cards[count2]);
//similar to the example above but using a promise to resolve ordered results
var SRA = new SRACrypto(4);

//encrypt 52 "cards" (quadratic residues) with a given keypair
function doEncrypt(cards, keypairObject) {
    var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      var encCards = new Array(cards.length);
      for (var count=0; count < cards.length; count++) {
        SRA.invoke("encrypt", {value: cards[count], keypair: keypairObject}, count).then(event =>
           encCards[] =;
           for (var count2 = startNum; count2 < decCards.length; count2++) {
             if (isNaN(ordereredResults[count2])) {
           //promise is resolved only when all cards have been stored
           resolve (encCards);
   return (promise);

//cards and keypair were pre-generated in a previous step
doEncrypt(cards, keypair).then(encCards => {
 for (var count=0; count < encCards.length; count++ )
   console.log ("Card #"+count+" "+cards[count]+" encrypted to "+encCards[count]);
//using an intermediate async function to perform similar functionality as above
var SRA = new SRACrypto(4);

//decrypt a deck of single-encrypted cards
function doDecrypt(encCards, keypair) {
  var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
     var decCards = new Array(encCards.length);
     for (var count=0; count < encCards.length; count++) {
        SRA.invoke("decrypt", {value:encCards[count], keypair:keypair}, count).then(event =>
           decCards[] =;
           for (var count2 = startNum; count2 < decCards.length; count2++) {
              if (isNaN(ordereredResults[count2])) {
           resolve (ordereredResults);
  return (promise);

async function decryptAsync(encryptedCardsArray, encryptingKeypairObject) {
 var decCards = await doDecrypt(encryptedCardsArray, encryptingKeypairObject);
 for (var count=0; count<decCards.length; count++) {
   console.log ("Card #"+count+" "+encryptedCardsArray[count]+" decypted to "+decCards[count]);

//encCards and keypair were pre-generated in a previous step
decryptAsync(encCards, keypair);
var SRA = new SRACrypto(4);
//a smaller async example of the above, this time using Promises.all to
//resolve the queued results but still using requestIDs for ordering

async function decryptAsync(encCards, keypair) {
  var promises = new Array();
  for (var count=0; count < encCards.length; count++) {
     promises.push(SRA.invoke("decrypt", {value:encCards[count], keypair:keypair}, count));
  var resultPromises = await Promise.all(promises);
  //at this point we know that all promises have been fulfilled
  var decCards = new Array(resultPromises.length);
  for (var count=0; count < resultPromises.length; count++) {
     decCards[resultPromises[count].data.requestID] = resultPromises[count].data.result;
 return (decCards);

//encCards and keypair were pre-generated in a previous step
decryptAsync(encCards, keypair).then(decCards => {
   for (var count=0; count<decCards.length; count++) {
    console.log ("Card #"+count+" "+encCards[count]+" decypted to "+decCards[count]);
var SRA = new SRACrypto(4);
//an even smaller example of the above without using a requestID

var promises = new Array();
async function decryptAsync(encCards, keypair) {
  var promises = new Array();
  for (var count=0; count < encCards.length; count++) {
     promises.push(SRA.invoke("decrypt", {value:encCards[count], keypair:keypair}));
  var resultPromises = await Promise.all(promises);
  return (resultPromises);

//encCards and keypair were pre-generated in a previous step
decryptAsync(encCards, keypair).then(results => {
   for (var count=0; count<results.length; count++) {
    console.log ("Card #"+count+" "+encCards[count]+" decrypted to "+results[count].data.result);

(async) onHostReady()

Event listener triggered when a WorkerHost instance reports that it is ready for new requests. The internal queue is automatically adjusted and a new request triggered if there are queued requests.