


Name Type Description
appName String The name of the application. This information is prepended to the appTitle.


Name Type Description
appTitle String The title of the application as it should appear in the main browser window / tab and any new windows / tabs. If running as a desktop (Electron) application, this is the name that appears on all child windows of the main process.


Name Type Description
appVersion String The version of the application. This information is appended to the appTitle.


Name Type Default Description
hostEnv Object null Contains settings and references supplied by a non-browser host environment such as Electron. When running as a standard web page in a browser this value should remain null.


Name Type Default Description
ipcID String null an interprocess communication ID used to identify this window (child process) to the main process. If not running in a desktop (Electron) environment, this value will remain null.


Name Type Default Description
ipcRenderer Object null A reference to the ipcRenderer object of the host desktop (Electron) environment. If this script is running within a standard web browser this reference will remain null.

platform :Object

The platform object.
  • Object


buildJSONRPC(typeopt, optionsopt, versionopt) → {Object}

Builds a valid JSON-RPC request, result, or notification object.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
type String <optional>
"request" The JSON-RPC message type. Valid types include:
  • "request": A request / method invocation object.
  • "result": An invocation result object.
  • "notification": A notification object.
options Object <optional>
null An object containing additional options for the returned object depending on its type.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
id Object <optional>
null An id value for the object. If type is a "result" or "request" and this value is null or omiited, a random value is used. If type is "notification" the id is ommitted according to specification.
method String <optional>
null A remote RPC method to invoke. If type is "request" and this value is null or omiited, an exception is thrown. If type is not "request" this option is ignored.
params Object | Array <optional>
null Parameters to invoke the remote method with. If type is not "request" this option is ignored.
version String <optional>
"2.0" The JSON-RPC version identifier.
A JSON-RPC-formatted object of the defined type.

(async) handleRPCResponses(transport, type, expectedResponseID, resolve, reject)

Handles asynchronous JSON-RPC 2.0 responses where a response ID must match a request ID before associated promises can be resolved.
Name Type Description
transport Object A reference to the network transport handling thr response.
type String The transport type being handled. Supported types include: "websocket"
expectedResponseID String | Number The expected response ID to match from messages received by the transport before resolving.
resolve function A promise resolve function to invoke with the response data when the response ID matches expectedResponseID
reject function A promise reject function. Not currently used.

IPCSend(command, dataopt, asyncopt) → {Object|Promise}

Sends an IPC command to the main Electron process if this script is running within a desktop (Electron) environment.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
command String The command to send to the main process via IPC.
data * <optional>
null Any accompanying data to include with the command. If omitted or null, an empty object is created.
async Boolean <optional>
false Sends the request asynchronously, immediately returning a promise instead of the synchronous response object. Synchronous requests async=false will block the main thread.
A reply object is immediately returned if the desktop IPC interface is available otherwise null is returned. If async=true, a promise is returned instead that resolves with the reply object or rejects with an error. The behaiour of the promise matches the behaviour of the synchronous reply.
Object | Promise

isDesktop() → {Boolean}

Tests whether or not the host environment is a desktop (Electron) one.
True if the host environment is a desktop (Electron) one otherwise it's a standard web (browser) host environment.

parseURLParameters(urlString) → {URLSearchParams}

Parses a supplied URL string that may contain parameters (e.g. document.location), and returns an object with the parameters parsed to name-value pairs. Any URL-encoded properties are decoded to native representations prior to being parsed.
Name Type Description
urlString String The URL string, either absolute or relative, to parse.
A URLSearchParams instance containing the parsed name-value pairs found in the urlString.

RPC(method, param, transport, generateOnlyopt, msgIDopt, resolveOnIDopt) → {Promise|Object}

Invokes a RPC (API) request through a HTTP, WebSocket, or routed interface.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
method String The remote procedure/method/function to invoke.
param Object The parameters to include with the remote method.
transport XMLHttpRequest | WebSocket | router The transport object to use for for the request. The request is handled automatically based on this object type.
generateOnly Boolean <optional>
false Flag denoting whether the request should only be generated and returned (true), or processed and a Promise object returned (false).
msgID String | Number <optional>
null ID to include with the request. In order to differentiate requests/responses, this value should always be unique. If not provided, an internal integer value is used instead.
resolveOnID Boolean <optional>
true If true, the returned promise resolves only when a response is received matching the message ID of the request, otherwise the first server response or notification resolves the returned promise.
An asynchorous Promise or JSON-RPC 2.0 object if (generateOnly=true).

The returned Promise will resolve with either the immediate response (if resolveOnID=false) or when the mathing response ID matches the request ID (if resolveOnID=true). It will reject if the request could not be processed. Note that the result data for WebSocket objects is returned as the data property, a string, of the result while for XHR objects the result is the target.response property which is a native (parsed) object.

The generated JSON-RPC 2.0 object can be stringified and sent using another communication channel.
Promise | Object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "http://localhost:8080");
RPC("Hello", {}, xhr).then((event) => {
  // is a native (parsed) object in XHR replies
  var dataObj =;
  alert("Hello" + JSON.stringify(dataObj));
async function callHTTPRPC() {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "http://localhost:8080");
  var event = await RPC("Hello", {}, xhr);
  var dataObj =;
  alert("Hello" + JSON.stringify(dataObj));
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8090");
RPC("Hello", {}, ws).then((event) => {
  // is a string in WebSocket replies
  var dataObj = JSON.parse(;
  alert("Hello" + JSON.stringify(dataObj));
async function callWSRPC() {
 var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8090");
 var event = await RPC("Hello", {}, ws);
 var dataObj = JSON.parse(;
 alert("Hello" + JSON.stringify(dataObj));
//note that this is just a regular function call and returns an object, not a
let JSONRequest = RPC("Hello", {}, null, true);

uniqueRPCID() → {String}

Returns a unique RPC id value that can be used to identify JSON-RPC 2.0 messages.
A unique id.

Type Definitions


An encryption/decryption key pair and associated prime value. A null object indicates that the keypair is being generated. All values are either in hexadecimal (pre-pended with "0x"), or decimal. Keys may be swapped prior to first use if desired.
  • Object
Name Type Description
encKey String A string representation of the encryption key.
decKey String A String representation of the decryption key.
prime String A string representation of the associated prime number.


An object containing information and references to connectivity options for an individual peer.
  • Object
Name Type Description
options Object Contains the transport options (supported connectivity) for the peer.
Name Type Default Description
wss Boolean false Does the peer support WebSocket Sessions connecivity?
webrtc Boolean false Does the peer support WebRTC connecivity?
ortc Boolean false Does the peer support ORTC connecivity?
status Object Contains the connection status of each transport option
Name Type Default Description
wss String "closed" The WebSocket Sessions transport may either be "closed", the connection may be "pending", it may be "open" for bi-directional communication, or a connection attempt may have "failed".
webrtc String "closed" The WebRTC transport may either be "closed", the connection may be "pending", it may be "open" for bi-directional communication, or a connection attempt may have "failed".
ortc String "closed" The ORTC transport may either be "closed", the connection may be "pending", it may be "open" for bi-directional communication, or a connection attempt may have "failed".
transport Object Contains references to any transports defined in the conectivity options.
Name Type Default Description
wss Object null A reference to the WebSocket Sessions / Tunnel transport with which to communicate with the peer.
webrtc Object null A reference to the WebRTC transport with which to communicate with the peer.
ortc Object null A reference to the ORTC transport with which to communicate with the peer.
connectTimeout Object References to Timeout objects used when attempting to establish a connection to the peer.
Name Type Default Description
wss Object null The Timeout object used when attempting to establish a WebSocket Sessions connection.
webrtc Object null The Timeout object used when attempting to establish a WebRTC connection.
ortc Object null The Timeout object used when attempting to establish a ORTC connection.
connectPromise Object References to Promise function references that are resolved or rejected when the associated transport is attempting a connection.
Name Type Description
wss Object The Promise functions that resolve or reject when the WebSocket Sessions / Tunnel transport connects or fails to connect.
Name Type Default Description
resolve function null The Promise.resolve function invoked on a successfull WebSocket Sessions connection.
reject function null The Promise.reject function invoked on a failed WebSocket Sessions connection.
webrtc Object The Promise functions that resolve or reject when the WebRTC transport connects or fails to connect.
Name Type Default Description
resolve function null The Promise.resolve function invoked on a successfull WebRTC connection.
reject function null The Promise.reject function invoked on a failed WebRTC connection.
ortc Object The Promise functions that resolve or reject when the ObjectRTC transport connects or fails to connect.
Name Type Default Description
resolve function null The Promise.resolve function invoked on a successfull ObjectRTC connection.
reject function null The Promise.reject function invoked on a failed ObjectRTC connection.