* @file WebSocket Sessions client interface.
* @version 0.4.1
* @class A WebSocket Session client interface used to connect to peers. Requires
* {@link RPC} and {@link EventPromise} to exist in the current execution
* context.
* @extends EventDispatcher
class WSSClient extends EventDispatcher {
* A new peer has connected to the WSS server.
* @event WSSClient#peerconnect
* @type {Event}
* @property {Object} data The parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 object received
* in the notification.
* A peer has disconnected from the WSS server.
* @event WSSClient#peerdisconnect
* @type {Event}
* @property {Object} data The parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 object received
* in the notification.
* A message has been received from a peer via the WSS server. This may either
* be a direct message or a broadcast.
* @event WSSClient#message
* @type {Event}
* @property {Object} data The parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 object containing
* the received message.
* An update notification has been received from the WSS server.
* @event WSSClient#update
* @type {Event}
* @property {Object} data The parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 object containing
* the received message.
* The private ID of this connection has changed and a notification
* has been sent to the connected peer.
* @event WSSClient#privateid
* @type {Event}
* @property {String} privateID The new private ID for this connection.
* The private ID of a connected peer has changed and the internal
* [peers]{@link WSSClient#peers} list has been updated.
* @event WSSClient#peerpid
* @type {Event}
* @property {Object} data The parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 object containing
* the change notification.
* @property {String} oldPrivateID The old / previous private ID of the peer.
* @property {String} newPrivateID The new / changed private ID of the peer.
* Creates an instance of WSSClient.
* @param {String} [handshakeServerAddress] The address of the WSS handshake
* server (available as {@link handshakeServerAddr}). If not provided and
* {@link connect} is called then the socket server address will be assigned
* to the handshake server address and used for both.
constructor(handshakeServerAddress) {
this._hsa = handshakeServerAddress;
* Produces a SHA-256 hash of an input string. The output of this
* implementation <i>should</i> match the output of Node.js' built-in
* SHA-256 hash (<code>crypto</code> module).<br/>
* Uses the <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/#subtlecrypto-interface">
* SubtleCrypto</a> interface of the <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/WebCryptoAPI/">
* Web Cryptography API</a>.
* @param {String} input The string to hash.
* @return {Promise} A promise containing a hex-encoded result of the SHA-256
* hash of the input.
* @see https://rawgit.com/w3c/webcrypto/master/PR-test-report.html
* @see https://caniuse.com/#search=SubtleCrypto
async SHA256 (input) {
var buffer = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(input);
var hash_buffer = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", buffer);
let hash_array = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash_buffer));
let hash_hex_str = hash_array.map(byte =>
("00" + byte.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
return (hash_hex_str);
* @property {String} handshakeServerAddr The assigned handshake server address of the WSS instance.
get handshakeServerAddr() {
if (this["_hsa"] == undefined) {
this._hsa = null;
return (this._hsa);
* @property {String} socketServerAddr The assigned WebSocket server address of the WSS instance.
get socketServerAddr() {
if (this["_ssa"] == undefined) {
return (null);
return (this._ssa);
* @property {WebSocket} webSocket The WebSocket object being used for this session.
get webSocket() {
if (this["_websocket"] == undefined) {
this._websocket = null;
return (this._websocket);
* @property {String} privateID The privateID assigned to the session by the
* server. This value may also be derived by hashing ({@link SHA256}) a
* concatenation of the {@link serverToken} and {@link userToken}.
get privateID() {
if (this["_privateID"] == undefined) {
this._privateID = null;
return (this._privateID);
* @property {String} userToken internally-generated user token that is
* combined with the returned {@link serverToken} to produce the
* {@link privateID}.
get userToken() {
if (this["_userToken"] == undefined) {
this._userToken = null;
return (this._userToken);
* @property {String} serverToken The server-generated user token that is
* combined with the generated {@link userToken} to produce the
* {@link privateID}.
get serverToken() {
if (this["_serverToken"] == undefined) {
this._serverToken = null;
return (this._serverToken);
* @property {Array} peers A list of currently connected peers, as managed by
* this instance.
* @readonly
get peers() {
if (this["_peers"] == undefined) {
this._peers = new Array();
return (this._peers);
* @property {Object} peerOptions Options objects associated with peer
* private IDs in the {@link peers} list. That is:<br/>
* <code>peerOptions[privateID]=optionsObject</code>
* @readonly
get peerOptions() {
if (this["_peerOptions"] == undefined) {
this._peerOptions = new Object();
return (this._peerOptions);
* Initiates a WebSocket Session by performing a handshake and subsequent
* connection to the WSS server.
* @param {String} [socketServerAddr=null] The WebSocket server address to connect
* to. If omitted, the assigned handshake server address will be used for
* both the handshake and the connection.
* @param {Boolean} [useHTTPHandshake=false] If true, a HTTP / HTTPS
* request is used for the handshake otherwise the handshake and
* connection both happen on the same WebSocket connection.
* @param {Object} [connectData=null] Optional data to include with the connect API
* call. If omitted or <code>null</code>, an empty object is created and a minimal <code>options</code>
* object is appended. If included, any <code>user_token</code> and <code>server_token</code>
* properties will be overriden with handshake {@link WSSClient#userToken} and
* {@link WSSClient#serverToken} values.
* @param {Object} [connectData.options] The peer connection options for this connection.
* If omitted or <code>null</code> a minimal connection options object is created with
* default values.
* @param {Boolean} [connectData.options.wss=true] Denotes whether (<code>true</code>) or not
* (<code>false</code>) WebSocket Sessions is supported by the client.
* @param {Boolean} [connectData.options.webrtc=false] Denotes whether (<code>true</code>) or not
* (<code>false</code>) <a href="https://webrtc.org/">WebRTC</a> is supported by the client.
* @param {Boolean} [connectData.options.ortc=false] Denotes whether (<code>true</code>) or not
* (<code>false</code>) <a href="https://ortc.org/">ORTC</a> is support by the client.
* @param {Boolean} [connectData.listeners=true] If false, socket listeners will not be added
* by this instance (for example, if this class has been extended).
* @throws {Error} Thrown when a valid handshake / socket server address was
* not supplied, or the connection could not be established.
async connect(socketServerAddress=null, useHTTPHandshake=false, connectData=null) {
if (typeof(socketServerAddress) == "string") {
this._ssa = socketServerAddress;
if (this.handshakeServerAddr == null) {
this._ssa = socketServerAddress;
this._hsa = socketServerAddress;
if ((this._hsa == null) || (this._hsa == undefined) || (this._hsa.trim() == "")) {
throw (new Error("No handshake or socket server address provided."));
if ((connectData.listeners == undefined) || (connectData.listeners == null)) {
connectData.listeners = true;
//the user token can be almost any string; maybe we can improve on this...
this._userToken = String(Math.random()).split("0.").join("");
if (useHTTPHandshake) {
this._xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
this._xhr.open("POST", this.handshakeServerAddr);
var event = await RPC("WSS_Handshake", {"user_token":this.userToken}, this._xhr);
if (typeof(event.target.response["error"]) == "object") {
throw (new Error("Server responded with an error ("+event.target.response.error.code+"): "+event.target.response.error.message));
} else {
this._serverToken = event.target.response.result.server_token;
} else {
this._websocket = new WebSocket(this.handshakeServerAddr);
this.webSocket.session = this;
this.webSocket.addEventListener("error", event => {
//trigger following "await" statement (error will be thrown after that)
this.webSocket.dispatchEvent(new Event("open"));
event = await this.webSocket.onEventPromise("open");
if (this._websocket.readyState != this._websocket.OPEN) {
throw (new Error("Couldn't connect WebSocket at: " + this.handshakeServerAddr));
event = await RPC("WSS_Handshake", {"user_token":this.userToken}, this.webSocket);
var resultData = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (typeof(resultData["error"]) == "object") {
throw (new Error("Server responded with an error ("+resultData.error.code+"): "+resultData.error.message));
} else {
this._serverToken = resultData.result.server_token;
var connectObj = new Object();
if (connectData == null) {
connectData = new Object();
connectObj.options = new Object();
if ((connectData["options"] == undefined) || (connectData["options"] == null)) {
//default connection options (as of v0.4.1)
connectObj.options.wss = true;
connectObj.options.webrtc = false;
connectObj.options.ortc = false;
} else {
connectObj.options.wss = connectData.options.wss;
connectObj.options.webrtc = connectData.options.webrtc;
connectObj.options.ortc = connectData.options.ortc;
connectObj.user_token = this.userToken;
connectObj.server_token = this.serverToken;
if (this.webSocket == null) {
this._websocket = new WebSocket(this.socketServerAddr);
this.webSocket.addEventListener("error", event => {
//trigger following "await" statement (error will be thrown after that)
this.webSocket.dispatchEvent(new Event("open"));
event = await this.webSocket.onEventPromise("open");
if (this._websocket.readyState != this._websocket.OPEN) {
throw (new Error("Couldn't connect WebSocket at: " + this.socketServerAddr));
this.webSocket.session = this;
var message_event = await RPC("WSS_Connect", connectObj, this.webSocket); //connect the WebSocket
var rpc_result_obj = JSON.parse(message_event.data);
if (rpc_result_obj.error != undefined) {
throw (new Error("Couldn't establish WebSocket Session: ("+rpc_result_obj.error.code+") "+rpc_result_obj.error.message));
if ((rpc_result_obj.result["private_id"] != undefined) && (rpc_result_obj.result["private_id"] != null)) {
this._privateID = rpc_result_obj.result.private_id;
//the following concatenation pattern matches the server
//var hash_source_str = this.serverToken+ ":" +this.userToken;
//var generated_pid = await this.SHA256(hash_source_str);
//console.log ("Are they the same? "+(this._privateID == generated_pid));
} else {
throw (new Error("No private ID returned in WSS_Connect response."));
if ((rpc_result_obj.result["connect"] != undefined) && (rpc_result_obj.result["connect"] != null)) {
var connectedPeersList = rpc_result_obj.result["connect"];
var optionsList = rpc_result_obj.result["options"]; //as of v0.4.1
if (typeof(connectedPeersList) == "object") {
connectedPeersList.forEach (function (peerPID, index, sourcArr) {
this.peerOptions[peerPID] = optionsList[index];
}, this);
if (connectData.listeners == true) {
this.webSocket.addEventListener("message", this.handleSocketMessage);
this.webSocket.addEventListener("close", this.handleSocketClose);
return (message_event);
* Changes the private ID associated with this connection. The private ID
* is updated on the server and reflected in the [privateID]{@link WSSClient#privateID}
* property.
* @param {String} newPrivateID The new private ID to set for this connection.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with <code>true</code> if the private
* ID was successfully changed, otherwise it rejects with <code>false</code>.
* @async
async changePrivateID(newPrivateID) {
var sendObj = new Object();
sendObj.user_token = this.userToken;
sendObj.server_token = this.serverToken;
sendObj.action = "setPID";
sendObj.privateID = newPrivateID;
var requestID = "WSS_Session"+String(Math.random()).split("0.")[1];
var rpc_result = await RPC("WSS_Session", sendObj, this.webSocket, false, requestID);
var result = JSON.parse(rpc_result.data);
//since raw API messages are asynchronous the next immediate message may not be ours so:
while (requestID != result.id) {
rpc_result = await this.webSocket.onEventPromise("message");
result = JSON.parse(rpc_result.data);
//we could include a max wait limit here
this._privateID = newPrivateID;
var event = new Event("privateid");
event.privateID = newPrivateID;
return (true);
* Broadcasts a message to all connected peers.
* @param {*} data The data / message to broadcast.
* @param {Object|Array} [excludeRecipients=null] If not omitted, null, or an empty
* array this should be an indexed array of recipient private IDs to exclude
* from the broadcast (if, for example, they will receive the data via
* another communication channel).
* @return {Promise} An asynchronous Promise that will contain the result of
* the broadcast or will throw an error on failure.
async broadcast(data, excludeRecipients=null) {
var broadcastObj = new Object();
broadcastObj.user_token = this.userToken;
broadcastObj.server_token = this.serverToken;
broadcastObj.type = "broadcast";
if (excludeRecipients != null) {
if (typeof(excludeRecipients["length"]) == "number") {
//excludeRecipients is an array so add it to the "rcp" property
var WSSExcObj = new Object();
WSSExcObj.rcp = excludeRecipients;
} else {
//excludeRecipients is al_wssReady an object so assume everything is in place
WSSExcObj = excludeRecipients;
broadcastObj.exclude = WSSExcObj;
broadcastObj.data = data;
var rpc_result = await RPC("WSS_Send", broadcastObj, this.webSocket);
return (rpc_result);
* Sends a direct message to one or more connected peers.
* @param {*} data The data / message to send.
* @param {Object|Array} recipients An object or an array of recipient private
* IDs. If this parameter is an object, one or more additional properties are
* expected:
* @param {Array} [recipients.rcp] An indexed array of recipient private IDs.
* If this list is provided as the <code>recipients</code> parameter this
* structure is dynamicaly generated before sending.
* @return {Promise} An asynchronous Promise that will contain the result of
* the send or reject with an <code>Error</code> object on failure.
async send(data, recipients) {
if (typeof(recipients) != "object") {
throw (new Error(`"recipients" parameter must be an array!`));
if (typeof(recipients["length"]) == "number") {
//recipients is an array so add it to the "rcp" property
var WSSRecpObj = new Object();
WSSRecpObj.rcp = recipients;
} else {
//recipients is al_wssReady an object so assume everything is in place
WSSRecpObj = recipients;
var sendObj = new Object();
sendObj.user_token = this.userToken;
sendObj.server_token = this.serverToken;
sendObj.type = "direct";
sendObj.to = WSSRecpObj;
sendObj.data = data;
var rpc_result = await RPC("WSS_Send", sendObj, this.webSocket);
return (rpc_result);
* Sends a routed JSON-RPC 2.0 request using the [webSocket]{@link WSSClient#webSocket}.
* @param {Object} requestObj The JSON-RPC 2.0 request to send.
* @param {String|Number} [responseMsgID=null] The message ID if the response to
* match before the returned promise resolves. If null, the first returned
* response will resolve, even if it's not the expected response.
* @return {Promise} An asynchronous promise that will resolve with a JSON-RPC 2.0
* response. if <code>responseMsgID</code> is specified, only the response with the
* matching JSON-RPC id property will cause the promise to resolve,
* @async
async request(requestObj, responseMsgID=null) {
if (responseMsgID != null) {
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.handleRequestResponse(responseMsgID, resolve, reject);
} else {
promise = await this.webSocket.onEventPromise("message");
//send API request via WSS
if (this.webSocket.readyState != this.webSocket.OPEN) {
//socket not yet connected
this.webSocket.onEventPromise("open").then((event) => {
} else {
//socket already open
return (promise);
* Handles asynchronous JSON-RPC 2.0 responses made using [request]{@lilnk WSSClient#request}
* when a <code>responseMsgID</code> is specified,
* @param {String|Number} expectedResponseID The expected response ID to match from messages
* received by the WebSocket.
* @param {Function} resolve A promise resolve function to invoke with the response data when
* the response ID matches <code>expectedResponseID</code>.
* @param {Function} resolve A promise reject function, Not currently used but may in future
* be used for timeouts.
* @async
async handleRequestResponse(expectedResponseID, resolve, reject) {
var responseID = null;
while (responseID != expectedResponseID) {
var response = await this.webSocket.onEventPromise("message");
var responseObj = JSON.parse(response.data);
responseID = responseObj.id;
* Handles WebSocket message events for the WSS instance. Most events are
* simply re-broadcast but some such as <code>session</code> messages are
* handled internally. Listen to "message" events on the WSS's
* {@link webSocket} to receive all messages.
* @param {Event} eventObj A "message" event dispatched by the associated
* WebSocket instance.
handleSocketMessage(eventObj) {
try {
var dataObj = JSON.parse(eventObj.data);
switch (dataObj.result.type) {
case "broadcast":
var event = new Event("message");
event.data = dataObj;
case "direct":
event = new Event("message");
event.data = dataObj;
case "update":
event = new Event("update");
event.data = dataObj;
case "session":
if (typeof(dataObj.result.connect) == "string") {
//dataObj.result.connect is the private ID of the new connection
event = new Event("peerconnect");
event.data = dataObj;
this.session.peerOptions[dataObj.result.connect] = dataObj.result.options;
} else if (typeof(dataObj.result.disconnect) == "string") {
//dataObj.result.disconnect is the private ID of the disconnect
event = new Event("peerdisconnect");
event.data = dataObj;
for (var count = 0; count < this.session.peers.length; count++) {
if (this.session.peers[count] == dataObj.result.disconnect) {
this.session.peers.splice(count, 1);
this.session.peerOptions[dataObj.result.disconnect] = null;
delete this.session.peerOptions[dataObj.result.disconnect];
} else if (typeof(dataObj.result.change) == "object") {
//in the future we may support different types of session updates
event = new Event("peerpid");
event.data = dataObj;
for (var count = 0; count < this.session.peers.length; count++) {
if (this.session.peers[count] == dataObj.result.oldPrivateID) {
this.session.peers.splice(count, 1);
//insert at the same index
this.session.peers.splice(count, 0, dataObj.result.newPrivateID);
} else {
//unhandled session message
//unhandled message type
} catch (err) {
* Handles WebSocket close events for the WSS instance.
* @param {Event} eventObj A "close" event dispatched by the associated
* WebSocket instance.
handleSocketClose(eventObj) {
var event = new Event("close");
event._event = event;
* Disconnects the client WebSocket and removes any event listeners.
* @param {Number} [code=1000] The disconnection code to close the socket with. Valid
* status codesmay be found at {@link https://devdocs.io/dom/closeevent#Status_codes}
* @param {String} [reason] The brief, human-readable reason why the socket
* is being disconnected.
* @see https://devdocs.io/dom/closeevent#Status_codes
* @async
async disconnect(code=1000, reason="Session terminated by client") {
try {
this.webSocket.removeEventListener("message", this.handleSocketMessage);
this.webSocket.removeEventListener("close", this.handleSocketClose);
//These listeners should also be removed, but how?
var errorListeners = this.webSocket.getListeners("error");
for (var count = 0; count < errorListeners.length; count++) {
this.webSocket.removeEventListener("error", errorListeners[count].listener);
this.webSocket.close(code, reason);
this._webSocket = null;
} catch (err) {
return (true);
toString() {
return ("WSSClient");