'use strict';
* @file Binds asynchronous events to Promise objects.
* @version 0.4.1
* @class Creates promises from standard JavaScript events for
* inline asynchronous execution. This class binds itself to the global object
* prototype and is therefore available to all derived objects in the current
* execution context.
* <p><b><i>This global class requires ECMAScript 2017 support.</i></b></p>
* @mixin
* @mixes Object.prototype
class EventPromise {
* Registers an event listener on a target object and returns a Promise.
* @param {String} eventType The type of event to register. This can match
* any event type dispatched by the target object.
* @param {Boolean} useCapture=false As in standard events, this parameter
* specifies if the event is dispatched in the capture phase (true), or in the
* bubble phase (false).
* @return A standard Promise object that will receive either a resolution
* when the event fires or a rejection if the event could not be registered.
* @example
* //all objects in the current execution context will inherit the
* //onEventPromise handler automatically
* window.onEventPromise("click").then(
* function(resolve, reject) {
* alert ("Clicked on window");
* }
* )
* @example
* //the returned Promise also works with async functions as expected
* async function doOnClick() {
* event = await window.onEventPromise("click");
* alert ("Clicked on window");
* }
* doOnClick();
static onEventPromise(eventType, useCapture) {
if (typeof(useCapture) != "boolean") {
useCapture = false; //W3C default
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let listener = (event) => {
this.removeEventListener(eventType, listener);
setTimeout (resolve, 1, event); //prevents multiple sequential promises (if set) for the same event type (e.g. MouseEvent)
this.addEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture);
} catch (err) {
setTimeout (resolve, 1, err);
return (promise);
//register function with global object inheritance tree
Object.prototype.onEventPromise = EventPromise.onEventPromise;
//make the property non-enumerable to prevent including it during enumeration (for..in loops, etc.)
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'onEventPromise', {enumerable: false});