* @file Information management for an individual CypherPoker.JS player.
* @version 0.4.1
* @author Patrick Bay
* @copyright MIT License
* @class Stores and manages information for a player associated with a
* {@link CypherPokerGame} instance.
* @extends EventDispatcher
class CypherPokerPlayer extends EventDispatcher {
* Creates a new instance to track an individual player's
* information.
* @param {String} PID The private ID of the player to associate
* with this instance.
* @param {Object} [playerInfo=null] Extended information for the player
* to associate with this instance.
constructor (PID, playerInfo=null) {
this._privateID = PID;
this._info = playerInfo;
this._ready = false;
this._isDealer = false;
* @property {String} privateID The private ID of the player associated
* with this instance, as set at instantiation.
get privateID() {
return (this._privateID);
* @property {Boolean} ready=false Set to true when the associated player has
* signalled that they're ready (their game instance has fully loaded and initialized).
get ready() {
return (this._ready);
set ready(readySet) {
this._ready = readySet;
* @property {CypherPokerAccount} account=null The {@link CypherPokerAccount} instance
* associated with this player instance.
get account() {
if (this._account == undefined) {
this._account = null;
return (this._account);
set account(accountSet) {
this._account = accountSet;
* @property {Boolean} isDealer=false Set to true when the associated player
* becomes the dealer for the associated game.
get isDealer() {
return (this._isDealer);
set isDealer(dealerSet) {
this._isDealer = dealerSet;
* @property {Boolean} isBigBlind=false Set to true when the associated player
* becomes the big blind for the associated game.
get isBigBlind() {
if (this._isBigBlind == undefined) {
this._isBigBlind = false;
return (this._isBigBlind);
set isBigBlind(bbSet) {
this._isBigBlind = bbSet;
* @property {Boolean} isSmallBlind=false Set to true when the associated player
* becomes the small blind for the associated game.
get isSmallBlind() {
if (this._isSmallBlind == undefined) {
this._isSmallBlind = false;
return (this._isSmallBlind);
set isSmallBlind(sbSet) {
this._isSmallBlind = sbSet;
* @property {Object} info=null Additional information for the player as
* supplied during instantiation.
get info() {
if (this._info == undefined) {
this._info = null;
return (this._info);
set info(infoObj) {
this._info = infoObj;
* @property {Array} selectedCards Indexed array of strings representing
* encrypted private cards dealt to (selected by), the player.
get selectedCards() {
if (this._selectedCards == undefined) {
this._selectedCards = new Array();
return (this._selectedCards);
set selectedCards(cardsArr) {
this._selectedCards = cardsArr;
* @property {Array} dealtCards Indexed array of unencrypted or plaintext
* private {@link CypherPokerCard} instances that have been dealt to (selected by),
* the player.
get dealtCards() {
if (this._dealtCards == undefined) {
this._dealtCards = new Array();
return (this._dealtCards);
set dealtCards(cardsArr) {
this._dealtCards = cardsArr;
* @property {BigInteger} totalBet The total bet amount placed by the player in the current game (hand)
* in the smallest denomination of the target currency (e.g. Satoshis if using Bitcoin, pennies
* is using dollars, etc.) When setting this value, a <code>Number</code> or <code>String</code>
* may be used which will be cast to a <code>BigInteger</code> object.
get totalBet() {
if (this._totalBet == undefined) {
this._totalBet = bigInt(0);
return (this._totalBet);
set totalBet(betAmount) {
this._totalBet = new bigInt(betAmount);
* @property {BigInteger} balance="0" The current in-game balance. Note that
* this is different than the [CypherPokerAccount.balance]{@link CypherPokerAccount#balance} property
* which reflects the total balance for the account.
set balance(balanceSet) {
this._balance = bigInt(balanceSet);
get balance() {
if (this._balance == undefined) {
this._balance = bigInt(0);
return (this._balance);
* @property {numActions} numActions=0 The number of betting actions (bet or fold),
* comitted by the player.
get numActions() {
if (this._numActions == undefined) {
this._numActions = 0;
return (this._numActions);
set numActions(actionSet) {
this._numActions = actionSet;
* @property {Boolean} hasBet=false True if the player has placed a bet or
* checked/called during the current round of betting, false if the player has
* not yet bet or if another player has raised.
get hasBet() {
if (this._hasBet == undefined) {
this._hasBet = false;
return (this._hasBet);
set hasBet(betSet) {
this._hasBet = betSet;
* @property {Boolean} hasFolded=false True if the player has folded in this
* game (hand).
get hasFolded() {
if (this._hasFolded == undefined) {
this._hasFolded = false;
return (this._hasFolded);
set hasFolded(foldSet) {
this._hasFolded = foldSet;
* @property {Array} keychain Indexed array of {@link keypair}
* objects used by the player. These are stored in ascending order with index 0
* being the newest keypair. For other players in a game, this array will
* typically remain empty until the end of the game (verification). After a game
* ends this array should be archived if needed as it is usually reset at the
* start of a new game (hand).
* @readonly
get keychain() {
if (this._keychain == undefined) {
this._keychain = new Array();
return (this._keychain);
* Returns a condensed data object containing the properties of this instance.
* Use the returned object to <code>JSON.stringify</code> instead of the instance
* directly as it contains circular references.
* @param {Boolean} [includeKeychain=false] If true, the keychain will be included
* with the returned data, otherwise if will be omitted.
* @param {Boolean} [includeAccountPassword=false] If true, the password stored in
* the [account]{@link CypherPokerPlayer#account} reference will be included in the
* returned data, if available.
* @return {Object} The condensed data object containing copies of this instance's
* properties.
toObject(includeKeychain=false, includeAccountPassword=false) {
var returnObj = new Object();
returnObj.privateID = this.privateID;
returnObj.info = this.info;
if (this.account != null) {
returnObj.account = this.account.toObject(includeAccountPassword);
} else {
returnObj.account = null;
returnObj.dealtCards = Array.from(this.dealtCards);
returnObj.selectedCards = Array.from(this.selectedCards);
returnObj.hasBet = this.hasBet;
returnObj.hasFolded = this.hasFolded;
returnObj.isDealer = this.isDealer;
returnObj.isSmallBlind = this.isSmallBlind;
returnObj.isBigBlind = this.isBigBlind;
returnObj.totalBet = this.totalBet.toString(10);
returnObj.balance = this.balance.toString(10);
returnObj.ready = this.ready;
if (includeKeychain) {
returnObj.keychain = Array.from(this.keychain);
return (returnObj);
* Creates a copy of this instance and returns that copy.
* @return {CypherPokerPlayer} A new player instance with the properties
copy() {
var returnPlayer = new CypherPokerPlayer(this.privateID, this.info);
returnPlayer._account = this.account;
returnPlayer._dealtCards = Array.from(this.dealtCards);
returnPlayer._selectedCards = Array.from(this.selectedCards);
returnPlayer._hasBet = this.hasBet;
returnPlayer._hasFolded = this.hasFolded;
returnPlayer._isDealer = this.isDealer;
returnPlayer._isSmallBlind = this.isSmallBlind;
returnPlayer._isBigBlind = this.isBigBlind;
returnPlayer._totalBet = this.totalBet.toString(10);
returnPlayer._balance = this.balance.toString(10);
returnPlayer._ready = this.ready;
returnPlayer._keychain = Array.from(this.keychain);
return (returnPlayer);
* Irrevocably resets the [keychain]{@link CypherPokerPlayer#keychain} array (to an
* empty array).
resetKeychain() {
this._keychain = new Array();
* @private
toString() {
return ("[object CypherPokerPlayer \""+this.privateID+"\"]");