* @file A virtual smart contract implementation using the API interface.
* @version 0.4.1
* @author Patrick Bay
* @copyright MIT License
* @class A virtual smart contract interface for an associated {@link CypherPokerGame}
* instance. Communicates with an API interface directly rather than being routed
* through {@link CypherPokerGame} communication functions.
* @extends EventDispatcher
class CypherPokerContract extends EventDispatcher {
* The contract timeout timer has been started or restarted.
* @event CypherPokerContract#timeoutstart
* @type {Event}
* @property {CypherPokerContract} contract The instance dispatching the event.
* @property {Number} seconds The number of seconds that must elapse without
* player activity before the contract times out.
* @property {Number} cSeconds The number of courtesy seconds that will
* be allowed to elapse before the contract's "timeout" function is
* invoked. Note that the timeout may occur at any time after the contract
* has timed out (hence "courtesy" seconds).
* The contract appears to have timed out due to player inactivity. This is a local event
* and does not necessarily reflect the state of the actual contract.
* @event CypherPokerContract#timeout
* @type {Event}
* @property {CypherPokerContract} contract The instance dispatching the event.
* @property {Array} penalized Array of objects containing private ID(s) and
* the amount tahat the associated player(s) were penalized. Typically
* only one player will time out (penalized[0]), but under certain
* conditions more than one player may time out.
* The contract timeout is no longer valid (e.g. the game has ended).
* @event CypherPokerContract#timeoutinvalid
* @type {Event}
* @property {CypherPokerContract} contract The instance dispatching the event.
* Creates a new proxy contract instance.
* @param {CypherPokerGame} gameRef The active game instance with which
* this contract interface is associated.
constructor(gameRef) {
this._game = gameRef;
this._active = true;
this.cypherpoker.api.addEventListener("update", this.handleUpdateMessage, this);
* @property {CypherPokerGame} game Reference to the associated game for
* which to act as contract handler.
get game() {
return (this._game);
* @property {CypherPoker} cypherpoker A reference to the
* {@link CypherPokerContract#game}'s <code>cypherpoker</code> instance or
* <code>null</code> if none exists.
get cypherpoker() {
if ((this._game != null) && (this._game != undefined)) {
return (this._game.cypherpoker);
return (null);
* @property {TableObject} table A copy of the table associated with the {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance.
get table() {
if (this._table == undefined) {
this._table = this.game.getTable();
return (this._table);
* @property {Array} players Indexed list of {CypherPokerPlayer} instances copied
* from the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance.
get players() {
if (this._players == undefined) {
return (this._players);
* Refreshes the {@link CypherPokerContract#players} array with data from
* the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}.
* @private
refreshPlayers() {
this._players = new Array();
for (var count=0; count < this.game.players.length; count++) {
* @property {Boolean} ready=false Indicates whether or not the contract is
* ready (has been successfully remotely created).
get ready() {
if (this.contractID == null) {
return (false);
//other validity tests can be done here
return (true);
* @property {Boolean} active=false Indicates whether or not the contract is currently
* active (recording or resolving a game).
get active() {
if (this._active == undefined) {
this._active = false;
return (this._active);
* @property {String} contractID=null The ID of the contract instance, usually
* as returned by the remote contract host. If this is <code>null</code>, this
* instance should not be considered valid.
get contractID() {
if (this._contractID == undefined) {
this._contractID = null;
return (this._contractID);
* @property {Array} history=null Indexed array of external contract snapshots
* with index 0 being the most recent.
get history() {
if (this._history == undefined) {
this._history = new Array();
return (this._history);
* @property {Array} deferredActions Indexed list of objects containing
* game state <code>snapshot</code>, <code>invoke</code>, <code>promise</code>,
* parent <code>contract</code>, and boolean <code>complete</code> properties.
get deferredActions() {
if (this._deferredActions == undefined) {
this._deferredActions = new Array();
return (this._deferredActions);
* @property {Array} deferredPromises Complete indexed list of Promise instances currently
* in the {@link CypherPokerContract#deferredActions} array.
get deferredPromises() {
var returnArr = new Array();
for (var count=0; count < this.deferredActions.length; count++) {
return (returnArr);
* @property {Array} deferredActivePromises Indexed list of Promise instances currently
* in the {@link CypherPokerContract#deferredActions} array which have the property:
* <code>complete == false</code>
get deferredActivePromises() {
var returnArr = new Array();
for (var count=0; count < this.deferredActions.length; count++) {
if (this.deferredActions[count].complete == false) {
return (returnArr);
* Adds event listeners required by the contract handler to the associated
* {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance.
* @private
addGameEventListeners() {
this.game.addEventListener("gamekeypair", this.onGameKeypair, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamedeck", this.onNewGameDeck, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamecardsencrypt", this.onEncryptCards, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamedealprivate", this.onSelectCards, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamedealpublic", this.onSelectCards, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamedealmsg", this.onGameDeal, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamebetplaced", this.onGameBetPlaced, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gamedecrypt", this.onGameDecrypt, this);
this.game.addEventListener("gameend", this.onGameEnd, this);
* Removes event listeners required by the contract handler from the associated
* {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance.
* @private
removeGameEventListeners() {
this.game.removeEventListener("gamekeypair", this.onGameKeypair, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamedeck", this.onNewGameDeck, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamecardsencrypt", this.onEncryptCards, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamedealprivate", this.onSelectCards, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamedealpublic", this.onSelectCards, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamedealmsg", this.onGameDeal, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamebetplaced", this.onGameBetPlaced, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gamedecrypt", this.onGameDecrypt, this);
this.game.removeEventListener("gameend", this.onGameEnd, this);
* Removes peer-to-peer network event listener(s).
* @private
removeNetworkEventListeners() {
this.cypherpoker.api.removeEventListener("update", this.handleUpdateMessage, this);
* Returns a {@link CypherPokerPlayer} instance associated with this game
* instance.
* @param {String} privateID The private ID of the player.
* @return {CypherPokerPlayer} The {@link CypherPokerPlayer} for the private ID
* associated with this game. <code>null</code> is returned if no matching
* player private ID can be found.
getPlayer(privateID) {
for (var count=0; count < this.players.length; count++) {
if (this.players[count].privateID == privateID) {
return (this.players[count]);
return (null);
* Returns a condensed array containing the copied properties of the
* {@link CypherPokerContract#players} array. Use the object returned by
* this function with <code>JSON.stringify</code> instead of using
* {@link CypherPokerContract#players} directly in order to prevent circular
* reference errors.
* @param {Boolean} [includeKeychains=false] If true, the {@link CypherPokerPlayer#keychain}
* array of each player will be included in the returned object.
* @param {Boolean} [includePasswords=false] If true, the {@link CypherPokerAccount#password}
* property of each {@link CypherPokerPlayer#account} reference will be included
* with the returned object.
* @return {Object} The condensed players array associated with this game instance.
getPlayers(includeKeychains=false, includePasswords=false) {
var returnArr = new Array();
for (var count=0; count < this.players.length; count++) {
var playerObj = this.players[count].toObject(includeKeychains, includePasswords);
return (returnArr);
* Returns the {@link CypherPokerPlayer} that is currently flagged as the dealer
* in the {@link CypherPokerContract#players} array.
* @return {CypherPokerPlayer} The {@link CypherPokerPlayer} instance that
* is flagged as a dealer. <code>null</code> is returned if no dealer is flagged.
getDealer() {
for (var count=0; count < this.players.length; count++) {
if (this.players[count].isDealer) {
return (this.players[count]);
return (null);
* Stops any current game timeout timer.
* @private
stopContractTimeout() {
try {
} catch (err) {}
* Cancels and resets the current contract timeout, signalling any listeners
* to ignore future timeout events from this instance.
* @fires CypherPokerContract#event:timeoutinvalid
* @private
resetContractTimeout() {
var event = new Event("timeoutinvalid");
event.contract = this;
* Stops any current game timeout timer and starts a new one based on the
* most recent contract (<code>history[0]</code>).
* @fires CypherPokerContract#timeoutstart
* @throws {Error} If the contract timeout could not be started.
* @private
startContractTimeout() {
if ((this.history[0] == undefined) || (this.history[0] == null)) {
if (typeof(this.history[0].table.tableInfo.timeout) == "number") {
//add 5 seconds to timeout to make sure we don't accidentally clock in early
var timeout = (this.history[0].table.tableInfo.timeout + 5) * 1000;
var event = new Event("timeoutstart");
event.contract = this;
event.seconds = this.history[0].table.tableInfo.timeout;
event.cSeconds = 5;
this._contractTimeoutID = setTimeout(this.onContractTimeout, timeout, this);
} else {
console.error ("Contract \""+this._contractID+"\" does not define a timeout. It may never complete!")
* Called on a timer when a contract times out (one or more players
* have failed to take an action in time).
* @private
* @fires CypherPokerContract#timeout
onContractTimeout(contractInstance) {
try {
contractInstance._contractTimeoutID = null;
delete contractInstance._contractTimeoutID;
} catch (err) {
} finally {
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.contract = contractInstance.history[0];
paramsObj.contractID = paramsObj.contract.contractID;
paramsObj.ownerPID = contractInstance.getDealer().privateID;
var snapshot = contractInstance.gameSnapshot();
console.error ("Contract \""+contractInstance.contractID+"\" has timed out");
//call "timeout" penalty
contractInstance.callContractAPI("timeout", paramsObj).then(JSONResult => {
if (JSONResult.error != undefined) {
//probably already timed out
if (contractInstance.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
//the game can either end here or start a re-key operation
}).catch (err => {
* Creates a snapshot (copy) of the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance's
* current data in the format of a contract data object for use as a condition in subsequent
* contract actions.
gameSnapshot() {
var snapshot = new Object();
snapshot.players = this.getPlayers(false, false);
snapshot.table = this.table;
try {
snapshot.prime = this.getPlayer(this.game.ownPID).keychain[0].prime;
} catch (err) {
snapshot.prime = null;
snapshot.cardDecks = this.game.getCardDecks();
return (snapshot);
* Recursively compares two objects for matching properties.
* @param {Object} obj1 The first object to compare.
* @param {Object} obj2 The second object to compare.
* @return {Boolean} True if all properties found in <code>obj1</code> appear
* in <code>obj2</code>, false otherwise.
* @private
compareObjects (obj1, obj2) {
if ((obj1 == null) && (obj2 == null)) {
return (true);
var obj1Entries = Object.entries(obj1);
for (var count=0; count < obj1Entries.length; count++) {
try {
var key = obj1Entries[count][0];
if (typeof(obj1[key]) == "object") {
//recurse compare sub-objects
if (this.compareObjects(obj1[key], obj2[key]) == false) {
return (false);
} else {
//compare primitives
if ((typeof(obj1[key]) != "function") && (typeof(obj2[key]) != "function")) {
if (obj1[key] != obj2[key]) {
if (key != "timeout") {
return (false);
} catch (err) {
console.error (err);
return (false);
return (true);
* Compares a contract data object to a game snapshot object.
* @param {Object} contract The (usually) external contract data object to compare.
* @param {Object} snapshot The game snapshot object to compare to the <code>contract</code>.
* This object must have the same structure as the contract data object.
* @return (Number) If the <code>contract</code> appears to be ahead of the snapshot 1
* is returned. If the <code>snapshot</code> appears to be ahead of the contract 2 is
* returned. If the contract appears the same as the snapshot but not in the same order
* (e.g. facedown cards), then 3 is returned. If both contract and snapshot are identical,
* 0 is returned.
* @throws {Error} If the expected structure or data of the parameters does not match.
* @private
compare(contract, snapshot) {
if (this.compareObjects(contract.table, snapshot.table) == false) {
throw (new Error("Table properties don't match for contract "+this.contractID));
if ((contract.prime != null) && (snapshot.prime == null)) {
return (1);
} else if ((contract.prime == null) && (snapshot.prime != null)) {
return (2);
} else if (contract.prime != snapshot.prime) {
throw (new Error("Prime value mismatch."));
//compare decks
result = this.compareDecks(contract.cardDecks.faceup, snapshot.cardDecks.faceup, "_mapping");
if (result != 3) {
return (result);
result = this.compareDecks(contract.cardDecks.facedown, snapshot.cardDecks.facedown);
if (result != 0) {
return (result);
result = this.compareDecks(contract.cardDecks.dealt, snapshot.cardDecks.dealt);
if (result != 0) {
return (result);
result = this.compareDecks(contract.cardDecks.public, snapshot.cardDecks.public, "_mapping");
if (result != 0) {
return (result);
//compare players
for (var count = 0; count < contract.players.length; count++) {
var contractPlayer = contract.players[count];
var snapshotPlayer = snapshot.players[count];
if (contractPlayer.privateID != snapshotPlayer.privateID) {
//player order must be the same
throw (new (Error("Incorrect player private ID at position "+count)));
for (var prop in contractPlayer.info) {
if (snapshotPlayer.info[prop] != contractPlayer.info[prop]) {
throw (new (Error("Incorrect player private info property \""+prop+"\"")));
//compare player dealt cards
var result = this.compareDecks(contractPlayer.dealtCards, snapshotPlayer.dealtCards, "_mapping");
if (result != 0) {
return (result);
//compare player selected cards
result = this.compareDecks(contractPlayer.selectedCards, snapshotPlayer.selectedCards);
if (result != 0) {
return (result);
if (contractPlayer.hasBet && (snapshotPlayer.hasBet == false)) {
return (1);
} else if ((contractPlayer.hasBet == false) && snapshotPlayer.hasBet) {
return (2);
if (contractPlayer.hasFolded && (snapshotPlayer.hasFolded == false)) {
return (1);
} else if ((contractPlayer.hasFolded == false) && snapshotPlayer.hasFolded) {
return (2);
if (contractPlayer.isDealer != snapshotPlayer.isDealer) {
throw (new Error("Player role mismatch on dealer."));
if (contractPlayer.isSmallBlind != snapshotPlayer.isSmallBlind) {
throw (new Error("Player role mismatch on small blind."));
if (contractPlayer.isBigBlind != snapshotPlayer.isBigBlind) {
throw (new Error("Player role mismatch on big blind."));
if (contractPlayer.ready != snapshotPlayer.ready) {
throw (new Error("Player ready mismatch."));
contractPlayer.totalBet = bigInt(contractPlayer.totalBet);
snapshotPlayer.totalBet = bigInt(snapshotPlayer.totalBet);
if (contractPlayer.totalBet.greater(snapshotPlayer.totalBet)) {
return (1);
} else if (snapshotPlayer.totalBet.greater(contractPlayer.totalBet)) {
return (2);
//balance comparison is the inverse of totalBet comparison
contractPlayer.balance = bigInt(contractPlayer.balance);
snapshotPlayer.balance = bigInt(snapshotPlayer.balance);
if (contractPlayer.balance.greater(snapshotPlayer.balance)) {
return (2);
} else if (snapshotPlayer.balance.greater(contractPlayer.balance)) {
return (1);
//relevant contract properties match snapshot properties
return (0);
* Compares a contract card deck against a snapshot card deck.
* @param {Array} contractDeck Indexed list of contract cards to examine.
* @param {Array} snapshotDeck Indexed list of snapshot cards to examine.
* @param {String} [valueProp=null] If supplied, each deck's element is assumed
* to be a complex object and this is its value property (e.g. <code>mapping</code>).
* If omitted or <code>null</code>, elements are compared directly with each other.
* @return {Number} A 0 is returned if both decks are identical: same values and array
* lengths (though their order may be different). A 1 is returned if the contract deck
* has more elements than than the snapshot deck, and 2 is returned if the snapshot deck
* has more elements than the contract deck.
* @throws {Error} Thrown when a deck contains one or more elements that should appear
* in the other deck but don't, or if a deck contains duplicate elements.
* @private
compareDecks(contractDeck, snapshotDeck, valueProp=null) {
if (this.containsDuplicates(contractDeck, valueProp) == true) {
throw (new Error("Contract deck contains duplicates."));
if (this.containsDuplicates(snapshotDeck, valueProp) == true) {
throw (new Error("Snapshot deck contains duplicates."));
var numMatches = 0;
contractDeck.forEach((value, index, arr) => {
if (valueProp != null) {
var contractValue = value[valueProp];
} else {
contractValue = value;
for (var count=0; count < snapshotDeck.length; count++) {
if (valueProp != null) {
var snapshotValue = snapshotDeck[count][valueProp];
} else {
snapshotValue = snapshotDeck[count];
if (snapshotValue == contractValue) {
}, this);
if (contractDeck.length > snapshotDeck.length) {
return (1);
} else if (contractDeck.length < snapshotDeck.length) {
return (2);
} else {
if (numMatches != contractDeck.length) {
//decks are same length but not all elements match
throw (new Error("Mismatched deck elements."));
//decks are identical (no duplications, same length)
return (0);
* Checks a card deck array for duplicate values.
* @param {Array} cardDeck Indexed array of values to examine.
* @param {String} [valueProp=null] The value property of each array
* element to examine (e.g. <code>mapping</code>). If omitted or <code>null</code>,
* each element is examined directly.
* @return {Boolean} True if the <code>cardDeck</code> contains duplicate values,
* otherwise false.
* @private
containsDuplicates(cardDeck, valueProp=null) {
var compareDeck = Array.from(cardDeck);
var dupFound = false;
cardDeck.forEach((value,index,arr) => {
if (valueProp != null) {
var cardValue = value[valueProp];
} else {
cardValue = value;
var matchCount = 0;
compareDeck.forEach((cValue,cIndex,cArr) => {
if (valueProp != null) {
var compareValue = cValue[valueProp];
} else {
compareValue = cValue;
if (compareValue == cardValue) {
if (matchCount > 1) {
dupFound = true;
return (dupFound);
* Event handler invoked a new keypair is generated. This triggers the processing
* of any incomplete contract actions requiring a valid keypair or prime.
* @param {CypherPokerGame#event:gamekeypair} event A "gamekeypair" event.
* @private
* @async
async onGameKeypair(event) {
var actions = this.deferredActions;
for (var count=0; count < actions.length; count++) {
var currentAction = actions[count];
currentAction.snapshot.prime = this.getPlayer(this.game.ownPID).keychain[0].prime;
currentAction.snapshot.players = this.getPlayers(false, false);
var result = await this.processDeferredActions(this.history[0]);
return (true);
* Event handler invoked a new game deck is fully generated. This triggers
* the asynchronous creation and / or initialization of a new contract for
* the game.
* @param {CypherPokerGame#event:gamedeck} event A "gamedeck" event.
* @private
onNewGameDeck(event) {
if (this.getDealer().privateID == this.game.ownPID) {
//dealer creates the new contract; other players only agree to it
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.contract = new Object();
//is there a better way to create the contract ID?
this._contractID = String(Math.random()).split(".")[1];
paramsObj.contract.contractID = this._contractID;
paramsObj.contract.players = this.getPlayers(false, false);
paramsObj.contract.table = this.table;
paramsObj.contract.prime = this.getPlayer(this.game.ownPID).keychain[0].prime; //prime generated by us
paramsObj.contract.cardDecks = this.game.cardDecks;
console.log ("Creating new contract:");
this.callContractAPI("new", paramsObj).then(JSONResult => {
if ((JSONResult["error"] != undefined) && (JSONResult["error"] != null)) {
if (this.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
}).catch (err => {
} else {
//not the dealer; do nothing
* Event handler invoked a card encryption cycle happens. If this is ours,
* it automatically triggers a contract "store" operation.
* @param {CypherPokerGame#event:gamecardsencrypt} event A "gamecardsencrypt" event.
* @return {Promise} Resolves to <code>true</code> if the store operation successfully completed. Rejections
* receive an <code>Error</code> object.
* @private
async onEncryptCards(event) {
if ((this.history.length == 0) && (this.getDealer().privateID != this.game.ownPID)) {
return (false);
if (event.player.privateID != this.game.ownPID) {
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.type = "encrypt";
paramsObj.contract = this.history[0];
paramsObj.contractID = this._contractID;
paramsObj.ownerPID = this.getDealer().privateID;
paramsObj.cards = Array.from(event.selected);
var snapshot = this.gameSnapshot();
try {
var JSONResult = await this.onGameState(snapshot, this.callContractAPI, "store", paramsObj).promise;
if (JSONResult.error != undefined) {
throw (new Error(JSONResult.error.message));
if (this.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
this.game.debug(err, "err");
} catch (err) {
return (false);
return (true);
* Event handler invoked when the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance{@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamedealprivate} or
* {@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamedealpublic} event. This
* it automatically triggers a contract "store" operation.
* @param {CypherPokerGame#event} event A{@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamedealprivate} or
* {@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamedealpublic} event object.
* @async
* @private
async onSelectCards(event) {
if (this.history.length == 0) {
return (false);
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.type = "select";
paramsObj.contract = this.history[0];
paramsObj.contractID = paramsObj.contract.contractID;
paramsObj.ownerPID = this.getDealer().privateID;
paramsObj.cards = Array.from(event.selected);
paramsObj.fromPID = this.game.ownPID;
if (event.type == "gamedealprivate") {
paramsObj.private = true;
} else {
paramsObj.private = false;
var snapshot = this.gameSnapshot();
try {
var JSONResult = await this.onGameState(snapshot, this.callContractAPI, "store", paramsObj).promise;
if (JSONResult.error != undefined) {
throw(new Error(JSON.error.message));
if (this.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
this.game.debug(err, "err");
} catch (err) {
return (false);
return (true);
* Event handler invoked when the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance{@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamedealmsg} event.
* @param {CypherPokerGame#event:gamedealmsg} event An external deal operation
* notification event.
* @private
onGameDeal(event) {
if (this.history.length == 0) {
return (false);
* Event handler invoked when the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance{@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamebetplaced} event. This
* it automatically triggers a contract "store" operation.
* @param {CypherPokerGame#event} event A {@link CypherPokerGame#event:gamebetplaced} event object.
* @async
* @private
async onGameBetPlaced(event) {
if (this.history.length == 0) {
return (false);
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.contract = this.history[0];
paramsObj.contractID = paramsObj.contract.contractID;
paramsObj.ownerPID = this.getDealer().privateID;
paramsObj.amount = event.amount;
paramsObj.fromPID = this.game.ownPID;
var snapshot = this.gameSnapshot();
try {
var JSONResult = await this.onGameState(snapshot, this.callContractAPI, "bet", paramsObj).promise;
if (JSONResult.error != undefined) {
throw(new Error(JSONResult.error.message));
if (this.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
this.game.debug(err, "err");
} catch (err) {
return (false);
return (true);
* Event handler invoked when the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance dispatches a {@link CypherPoker#event:gamedecrypt} event.
* @param {Event} event A {@link CypherPoker#event:gamedecrypt} event object.
* @async
* @private
async onGameDecrypt(event) {
if (this.history.length == 0) {
return (false);
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.type = "decrypt";
paramsObj.contract = this.history[0];
paramsObj.contractID = paramsObj.contract.contractID;
paramsObj.ownerPID = this.getDealer().privateID;
paramsObj.cards = Array.from(event.selected);
paramsObj.sourcePID = event.payload.sourcePID;
paramsObj.fromPID = this.game.ownPID;
paramsObj.private = event.private;
var snapshot = this.gameSnapshot();
try {
var JSONResult = await this.onGameState(snapshot, this.callContractAPI, "store", paramsObj).promise;
if (this.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
this.game.debug(err, "err");
} catch (err) {
return (false);
* Event handler invoked when the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance dispatches a {@link CypherPoker#event:gameend} event. This
* currently causes an immediate submission of the keychain to the
* contract via a "store" message.
* @param {Event} event A {@link CypherPoker#event:gameend} event object.
* @async
* @private
async onGameEnd(event) {
if (this.history.length == 0) {
return (false);
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.type = "keychain";
paramsObj.contract = this.history[0];
paramsObj.contractID = paramsObj.contract.contractID;
paramsObj.ownerPID = this.getDealer().privateID;
paramsObj.keychain = Array.from(this.getPlayer(this.game.ownPID).keychain);
paramsObj.fromPID = this.game.ownPID;
//var snapshot = this.gameSnapshot();
try {
var JSONResult = await this.callContractAPI("store", paramsObj);
if (JSONResult.error != undefined) {
console.error (JSONResult.error);
if (this.contractID != JSONResult.result.contract.contractID) {
return (false);
try {
} catch (err) {
this.game.debug(err, "err");
} catch (err) {
return (false);
* Creates a deferred invocation action object based on a game snapshot (state).
* @param {Object} snapshot A game snapshot (state) to match to a contract
* state in order to invoke <code>functionRef</code>; for example, a snapshot
* created using {@link CypherPokerContract#gameSnapshot}.
* @param {Function} functionRef The <b>asynchronous</b> function to invoke when the game
* <code>snapshot</code> (state) matches the contract state.
* @param {*} params Any parameters to include with the function invocation.
* @return {Object} A deferred game state action object containing a game
* <code>snapshot</code>, <code>invoke</code> object containing a deferred
* <code>func</code> function to invoke with <code>params</code> parameters,
* a <code>promise</code> that will resolve when the <code>snapshot</code>
* matches the reported contract, and a <code>complete</code> property
* indicating if the action has completed (true) or not (false).
* @private
onGameState(snapshot, functionRef, ...params) {
var action = new Object();
action.snapshot = snapshot;
action.invoke = new Object();
action.contract = this;
action.invoke.func = functionRef;
action.invoke.params = params;
action.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//resolves or rejects in processDeferredActions
action._resolve = resolve;
action._reject = reject;
action.complete = false;
if (this.history.length > 0) {
return (action);
* Examines {@link CypherPokerContract#deferredActions} and executes the next un-executed action
* if its game <code>snapshot</code> matches the <code>contract</code> state.
* @param {ContractObject} contract The (ideally) updated contract object to check against
* {@link CypherPokerContract#deferredActions} for possible execution.
* @return {Promise} Resolves with the deferred action objects that were just executed. Will be an empty
* array if no actions were executed.
* @private
async processDeferredActions(contract){
var actions = this.deferredActions;
var previousAction = null;
var completedActions = new Array();
var incompletedActions = new Array();
for (var count=0; count < actions.length; count++) {
var currentAction = actions[count];
var exec = false;
if (previousAction == null) {
exec = true;
if (previousAction != null) {
if (previousAction.complete == true) {
exec = true;
if ((currentAction.complete == false) && (exec == true)) {
var snapshot = currentAction.snapshot;
var result = this.compare (contract, snapshot);
if ((result == 0) || (result == 2)) {
var func = currentAction.invoke.func;
var params = currentAction.invoke.params;
var context = currentAction.contract;
try {
currentAction.complete = true;
var fResult = await func.apply(context, params);
} catch (err) {
this.game.debug(err, "err");
} else {
if (currentAction.complete == false) {
previousAction = currentAction;
return (completedActions);
* Deteremines whether a function is asynchronous (async) or synchronous.
* @param {function} func The function to evaluate.
* @return {Boolean} True if the function is asynchronous, false if it's a
* synchronous function or not a function.
* @private
isAsync(func) {
if (typeof(func) != "function") {
return (false);
return (String(func).startsWith("async"));
* Sends an "agree" message to the contract API signalling our acceptance of
* the contract rules. At this point the <code>contract</code> parameter
* should have been carefully examined for accuracy.
* @param {ContractObject} contract The contract associated with this instance
* to agree to. The contract's owner is assumed to be the current dealer in the
* {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance.
* @return {ContractObject} The contract object that was agreed to, according to
* the remote service.
* @todo Compare input and output of function as a final verification
* @private
async agreeToContract(contract) {
this.game.debug ("CypherPokerContract: Agreeing to contract "+contract.contractID);
this.game.debug (contract, "dir");
var paramsObj = new Object();
paramsObj.ownerPID = this.getDealer().privateID;
paramsObj.contractID = contract.contractID;
var JSONResult = await this.callContractAPI("agree", paramsObj);
if ((JSONResult["error"] != undefined) && (JSONResult["error"] != null)) {
return (null);
} else {
return (JSONResult.result.contract);
* Updates the balances of the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance's
* players from a provided contract data object.
* @param {Object} contractData The contract data object to use to update
* player balances.
* @param {Boolean} fatalFail=false If true, the function will throw an error on an update failure
* (usually a value can't be converted). If false, errors are ignored.
* @throws {Error} If a game balance is not of a convertible type or subsequently if an account
* balance can't be converted. Note that an invalid game balance does not mean that the account
* balance is valid because it's checked second. Only thrown if <code>fataiFail=true</code>.
* @private
updateBalances(contractData, fatalFail=false) {
var contractPlayers = contractData.players;
for (var count = 0; count < contractPlayers.length; count++) {
var contractPlayer = contractPlayers[count]; //player in contract
var privateID = contractPlayer.privateID;
var localPlayer = this.getPlayer(privateID); //player in game
if ((typeof(contractPlayer.balance) == "string") || (typeof(contractPlayer.balance) == "number")) {
localPlayer.balance = contractPlayer.balance;
} else {
try {
//balance may be a String-able instance
localPlayer.balance = contractPlayer.balance.toString();
} catch (err) {
if (fatalFail == true) {
throw (new Error("Player game balance for \""+privateID+"\" invalid (type: "+typeof(contractPlayer.balance)+"): "+contractPlayer.balance));
if ((typeof(contractPlayer.account) == "object") && (contractPlayer.account != null)) {
if ((typeof(contractPlayer.account.balance) == "string") || (typeof(contractPlayer.account.balance) == "number")) {
if ((localPlayer.account == null) || (localPlayer.account == undefined)) {
localPlayer.account = new CypherPokerAccount(this.cypherpoker, contractPlayer.account);
} else {
localPlayer.account.balance = contractPlayer.account.balance;
} else {
try {
localPlayer.account.balance = contractPlayer.account.balance.toString();
} catch (err) {
if (fatalFail == true) {
throw (new Error("Player account balance for \""+privateID+"\" invalid (type: "+typeof(contractPlayer.account.balance)+"): "+contractPlayer.account.balance));
* Asynchronously calls the contract API and returns the JSON-RPC 2.0 result / error
* of the call.
* @param {String} action The contract API action to take. This parameter is appended
* the <code>params</code> object and will overwrite any <code>action</code> property
* included.
* @param {Object} [params=null] The parameters to include with the remote function call.
* If null, an empty object is created.
* @param {String} [APIFunc="CP_SmartContract"] The remote API function to invoke.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with the parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 result or
* error (native object) of the call. Currently there is no rejection state.
* @private
async callContractAPI(action, params=null, APIFunc="CP_SmartContract") {
var sendObj = new Object();
if (params == null) {
params = new Object();
for (var item in params) {
sendObj[item] = params[item];
if (this.history.length > 0) {
if (this.history[0].invalid == true) {
throw (new Error("Contract is not valid!"));
sendObj.action = action;
sendObj.user_token = this.cypherpoker.api.userToken;
sendObj.server_token = this.cypherpoker.api.serverToken;
sendObj.account = this.getPlayer(this.game.ownPID).account.toObject(true);
var requestID = "CP" + String(Math.random()).split(".")[1];
var rpc_result = await RPC(APIFunc, sendObj, this.cypherpoker.api, false, requestID);
var result = JSON.parse(rpc_result.data);
//since raw API messages are asynchronous the next immediate message may not be ours so:
while (requestID != result.id) {
rpc_result = await this.cypherpoker.api.rawConnection.onEventPromise("message");
result = JSON.parse(rpc_result.data);
//we could include a max wait limit here
return (result);
* Verifies that a result object contains valid contract update data
* intended for this instance and the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game}
* instance.
* @param {Object} resultObj The object to analyze, usually the <code>result</code>
* of a JSON-RPC 2.0 message.
* @return {Boolean} True if the result object has a valid contract update object
* structure and is intended for this contract instance.
* @private
verifyContractMessage(resultObj) {
if ((typeof(resultObj.data) != "object") || (resultObj.data == null)) {
console.error("not an object or null");
return (false);
var data = resultObj.data;
var contract = data.contract;
var table = contract.table;
if ((this.game == undefined) || (this.game == null)) {
console.error("no game ref");
return (false);
if ((typeof(this.table) != "object") || (this.table == null)) {
return (false);
if ((this.table.tableID != table.tableID) ||
(this.table.tableName != table.tableName) ||
(this.table.ownerPID != table.ownerPID)) {
return (false);
var tableInfo = table.tableInfo;
var gameTableInfo = this.table.tableInfo;
if ((gameTableInfo.buyIn != tableInfo.buyIn) ||
(gameTableInfo.bigBlind != tableInfo.bigBlind) ||
(gameTableInfo.smallBlind != tableInfo.smallBlind)) {
return (false);
var players = contract.players;
var matchingPlayers = 0;
for (var count = 0; count < players.length; count++) {
for (var count2 = 0; count2 < this.players.length; count2++) {
if (players[count].privateID == this.players[count2].privateID) {
if (matchingPlayers != this.players.length) {
return (false);
//other checks can be performed here
return (true);
* Verifies that a result object contains the same contract ID as this
* instance. This function should only be called after the result object
* has been verified {@link CypherPokerContract#verifyContractMessage} and
* the {@link CypherPokerContract#contractID} property has been set.
* @param {Object} resultObj The object to analyze, usually the <code>result</code>
* of a JSON-RPC 2.0 message.
* @return {Boolean} True if the result object's contract ID matches this
* instances'.
* @private
verifyContractID(resultObj) {
var data = resultObj.data;
if ((typeof(data.contract) != "object") || (data.contract == null)) {
return (false);
var contract = data.contract;
if (contract.contractID != this.contractID) {
return (false);
return (true);
* Handles a server update message event dispatched by the communication
* interface of the associated {@link CypherPokerContract#game} instance.
* @param {Event} event An "update" event dispatched by the communication interface.
* @private
* @async
async handleUpdateMessage(event) {
if (this.cypherpoker.isCPMsgEvent(event) == false) {
//don't process any further
var resultObj = event.data.result;
if (this.verifyContractMessage(resultObj) == false) {
//either not a contract update message or not for this instance
if (resultObj.from != undefined) {
var fromPID = resultObj.from; //peer-initiated
} else {
fromPID = null; //server-initiated
var contractObj = resultObj.data.contract;
var messageType = resultObj.data.cpMsg;
var contract = resultObj.data.contract;
var table = contract.table;
var players = contract.players;
this.history.unshift(contractObj); //make sure to store contract in history!
this.game.debug("CypherPokerContract.handleUpdateMessage("+event+") => \""+messageType+"\"");
this.processDeferredActions(contractObj); //respond immediately on game state match
switch (messageType) {
case "contractnew":
if (this.contractID == null) {
this._contractID = contract.contractID;
var snapshot = this.gameSnapshot();
this.onGameState(snapshot, this.agreeToContract, contract).promise.catch (err => {
this._contractID = null; //could not agree / contract is invalid
this.game.debug(err, "err");
if (this.history[0].invalid != true) {
} else {
case "contractnewfail":
var errorMessage = "Player \""+fromPID+"\" failed to create contract:<br/>";
errorMessage += resultObj.data.error.message;
case "contractagree":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
//note that contract owner (dealer) auto-agrees in addition to...
this.game.debug ("Player "+fromPID+" has agreed to contract: "+contract.contractID);
if (this.history[0].invalid != true) {
} else {
case "contractagreefail":
var errorMessage = "Player \""+fromPID+"\" failed to agree to contract:<br/>";
errorMessage += resultObj.data.error.message;
case "contractencryptstore":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
this.game.debug ("Player "+fromPID+" has stored an encryption round to the contract:");
this.game.debug (contract, "dir");
if (this.history[0].invalid != true) {
} else {
case "contractselectstore":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
this.game.debug ("Player "+fromPID+" has stored a card(s) selection to the contract:");
this.game.debug (contract, "dir");
if (this.history[0].invalid != true) {
} else {
case "contractdecryptstore":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
this.game.debug ("Player "+fromPID+" has stored a decryption round to the contract:");
this.game.debug (contract, "dir");
if (this.history[0].invalid != true) {
} else {
case "contractbet":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
this.game.debug ("Player "+fromPID+" has stored a bet or fold action to the contract:");
this.game.debug (contract, "dir");
if (this.history[0].invalid != true) {
} else {
case "contractkeychainstore":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
this.game.debug ("Player "+fromPID+" has stored their keychain to the contract:");
this.game.debug (contract, "dir");
case "contracttimeout":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
var event = new Event("timeout");
event.contract = this;
event.penalized = contract.penalty.penalized;
case "contractend":
if (this.verifyContractID(resultObj) == false) {
//wrong contract ID
console.error ("Contracts don't match!");
this._active = false;
//not a recognized CypherPokerContract message type