* @file Contains information and functionality associated with a single managed account.
* @version 0.4.1
* @author Patrick Bay
* @copyright MIT License
* @class Information and functionality associated with a single managed account.
* The account is independently managed by either a TTP service or a smart contract
* and represents a deposit by the player that can be used to provide a balance
* in games.
class CypherPokerAccount extends EventDispatcher {
* Creates a new player account instance.
* @param {CypherPoker} cypherpokerRef A reference to a {@link CypherPoker}
* instance through which managed account requests can be made.
* @param {Object} [initData=null] Data with which to initialize the new instance.
constructor(cypherpokerRef, initData=null) {
this._cypherpoker = cypherpokerRef;
if (initData != null) {
for (var item in initData) {
try {
this[item] = initData[item];
} catch (err) {
* @property {CypherPoker} cypherpoker A reference to the active {@link CypherPoker}
* instance through which API functions can be invoked.
* @readonly
get cypherpoker() {
return (this._cypherpoker);
* @property {String} address The managed cryptocurrency deposit address
* associated with the account. Typically the address is also the unique account
* identifier ({@link CypherPokerAccount#id}), but may differ.
set address(addrSet) {
this._address = addrSet;
get address() {
if (this._address == undefined) {
this._address = null;
return (this._address);
* @property {String} type The type of cryptocurrency associated with the
* {@link CypherPokerAccount#address}. Valid types include: "bitcoin"
set type(typeSet) {
this._type = typeSet;
get type() {
if (this._type == undefined) {
this._type = null;
return (this._type);
* @property {String} network The network sub-type, if applicable.
* For example, if {@link CypherPokerAccount#type} is "bitcoin",
* the <code>network</code> may be "main" or "test3".
set network(networkSet) {
this._network = networkSet;
get network() {
if (this._network == undefined) {
this._network = null;
return (this._network);
* @property {Array} domains Each element in this indexed array is a domain,
* URL, API, or other service identifier with which this account is associated.
* Using this account with other domains / services will most likely result in
* an "account not found" error.
set domains(domainsSet) {
this._domains = domainsSet;
get domains() {
if (this._domains == undefined) {
this._domains = new Array();
return (this._domains);
* @property {BigInteger} balance="0" The current total account balance. Note that
* this is different than the {@link CypherPokerPlayer#balance} property
* which reflects the player balance for a single game (e.g. buy-in).
set balance(balanceSet) {
this._balance = bigInt(balanceSet);
get balance() {
if (this._balance == undefined) {
this._balance = bigInt(0);
return (this._balance);
* @property {Object} fees Any fees (e.g. miner) associated with the account,
* usually--but not always--returned with the most recent the API call.
* Some fees may be mandatory while others are simply suggested/default.
get fees() {
if (this._fees == undefined) {
this._fees = new Object();
return (this._fees);
* @property {Boolean} cashoutPending=false True if a cashout operation is
* currently pending (incomplete), false otherwise.
get cashoutPending() {
if (this._cashoutPending == undefined) {
this._cashoutPending = false;
return (this._cashoutPending);
* @property {String} password=null The password associated with the account.
set password(pwSet) {
this._password = pwSet;
get password() {
if (this._password == undefined) {
this._password = null;
return (this._password);
* Returns a condensed data object with copies of most of the properties of this
* instance. Use the returned data from this function rathen than using
* <code>JSON.stringify</code> on the instance as this may cause
* a circular reference error.
* @param {Boolean} [includePassword=false] If true, the account password
* is included in the returned data.
* @return {Object} A condensed data object containing copies of the
* most properties of this instance.
toObject(includePassword=false) {
var returnObj = new Object();
returnObj.address = this.address;
returnObj.type = this.type;
returnObj.network = this.network;
returnObj.balance = this.balance.toString(10);
returnObj.domains = this.domains;
if (includePassword) {
returnObj.password = this.password;
return (returnObj);
* Creates a new account by calling the <code>CP_Account/new</code> RPC service using
* the properties of this instance.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with a <code>true</code> value
* if the account was succcessfully created, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @async
async create() {
if ((this.password == null) || (this.password == null)) {
return (false);
var params = new Object();
params.password = this.password;
params.type = this.type;
params.network = this.network;
var JSONObj = await this.callAccountAPI("new", params);
if (JSONObj.error != undefined) {
console.error (JSONObj.error);
return (false);
this._fees = JSONObj.result.fees;
this._address = JSONObj.result.address;
return (true);
* Updates this account's properties by calling the <code>CP_Account/info</code> RPC service.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with a <code>true</code> value
* if the account was succcessfully updated. An <code>Error</code> object
* is included with a rejection.
* @async
async update() {
if ((this.password == null) || (this.password == null)) {
return (false);
var params = new Object();
params.address = this.address;
params.password = this.password;
params.type = this.type;
params.network = this.network;
var JSONObj = await this.callAccountAPI("info", params);
if (JSONObj.error != undefined) {
this.balance = 0;
throw(new Error(JSONObj.error.message));
this._fees = JSONObj.result.fees;
//balance confirmed = JSONObj.result.confirmed
this.balance = JSONObj.result.balance;
return (true);
* Partially or fully cashes out the account, sending the funds to a
* specified address.
* @param {String|Number|BigInteger} amount The full amount to send to
* <code>toAddress</code>, including miner <code>fees</code>. This value is in the
* smallest denominition of the associated cryptocurrency (e.g. satoshis if
* <code>type="bitcoin</code>").
* @param {String} toAddress The target or receiving address. This address
* must be of the same cryptocurrency <code>type</code> and on the same
* <code>network</code> as this account.
* @param {String|Number|BigInteger} [fees=null] The miner fee to include
* in this transaction in the smallest denomination of the associated cryptocurrency.
* If <code>null</code>, the default miner fee is used. The amount that
* will be received by <code>toAddress</code> will be the sending <code>amount</code>
* minus this value.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with a an object containing information
* about the transaction or rejects with a standard <code>Error</code> object.
* @async
async cashout(amount, toAddress, fees=null) {
if ((this.password == "") || (this.password == null)) {
throw(new Error("Account password not set."));
if (toAddress == this.address) {
throw(new Error("Sending and receiving addresses can't be the same."));
if (this.cashoutPending) {
throw(new Error("A cashout request is currently pending. Only one request can be active at a time."));
this._cashoutPending = true;
var params = new Object();
params.address = this.address;
params.password = this.password;
params.type = this.type;
params.network = this.network;
params.toAddress = toAddress;
if (bigInt.isInstance(amount)) {
params.amount = amount.toString(10);
} else {
params.amount = String(amount);
if (fees != null) {
if (bigInt.isInstance(fees)) {
params.feeAmount = fees.toString(10);
} else {
params.feeAmount = String(fees);
var JSONObj = await this.callAccountAPI("cashout", params);
this._cashoutPending = false;
if (JSONObj.error != undefined) {
throw (new Error(JSONObj.error.message));
this.balance = JSONObj.result.balance;
return (JSONObj.result);
* Partially or fully transfers the account balance to another account.
* @param {String|Number|BigInteger} amount The full amount to transfer to
* <code>toAccount</code>. This value is in the smallest denominition of the
* associated cryptocurrency (e.g. satoshis if <code>type="bitcoin</code>").
* @param {String} toAccount The target or receiving account. This account
* must be of the same cryptocurrency <code>type</code> and on the same
* <code>network</code> as this account.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with a <code>true</code> value
* if the transfer was successfully completed. An <code>Error</code>
* object is included with a rejection.
* @async
async transfer(amount, toAccount) {
if ((this.password == "") || (this.password == null)) {
throw(new Error("Account password not set."));
var params = new Object();
params.address = this.address;
params.password = this.password;
params.type = this.type;
params.network = this.network;
params.toAccount = toAccount;
if (bigInt.isInstance(amount)) {
params.amount = amount.toString(10);
} else {
params.amount = String(amount);
var JSONObj = await this.callAccountAPI("transfer", params);
if (JSONObj.error != undefined) {
throw (new Error(JSONObj.error.message));
this.balance = JSONObj.result.balance;
return (true);
* Asynchronously calls the account API and returns the JSON-RPC 2.0 result / error
* of the call.
* @param {String} action The account action to apply to the <code>APIFunc</code> call.
* This value is automatically appended to the <code>params</code> object as an
* <code>action</code> property and will override any existing <code>action</code> property.
* @param {Object} [params=null] The parameters to include with the remote function call.
* If <code>null</code>, an empty params object is created.
* @param {String} [APIFunc="CP_Account"] The remote API function to invoke.
* @return {Promise} The promise resolves with the parsed JSON-RPC 2.0 result or
* error (native object) of the call. Currently there is no rejection state.
async callAccountAPI(action, params=null, APIFunc="CP_Account") {
if (params == null) {
params = new Object();
var sendObj = new Object();
for (var item in params) {
sendObj[item] = params[item];
sendObj.action = action;
sendObj.user_token = this.cypherpoker.api.userToken;
sendObj.server_token = this.cypherpoker.api.serverToken;
var requestID = "CP" + String(Math.random()).split(".")[1];
var rpc_result = await RPC(APIFunc, sendObj, this.cypherpoker.api, false, requestID);
var result = JSON.parse(rpc_result.data);
//since messages over web sockets are asynchronous the next immediate message may not be ours so:
while (requestID != result.id) {
rpc_result = await this.cypherpoker.api.rawConnection.onEventPromise("message");
result = JSON.parse(rpc_result.data);
//we could include a max wait limit here
return (result);